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Table of Contents
Tags are placeholders that can be used in expressions to make your watch face dynamic. They can be used in Lua scripts or simply be printed.
All properties that accept tags will open a tag picker dialog when clicking the little triangle next to the property value. The selected tag will be inserted at the cursor position.
Date Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{dd} | Day in month | 9 |
{ddz} | Day in month (with leading 0) | 09 |
{ddy} | Day in year | 282 |
{ddw1} | Day of week | T |
{ddw2} | Day of week | Th |
{ddw} | Day of week | Thu |
{ddww} | Day of week | Thursday |
{ddw1_1} | Day of week (next) | F |
{ddw2_1} | Day of week (next) | Fr |
{ddw_1} | Day of week (next) | Fri |
{ddww_1} | Day of week (next) | Friday |
{ddw0} | Day of week (Sun = 0, Sat = 6) | 5 |
{ddim} | Days in current month | 31 |
{dn} | Month in year | 1 |
{dnn} | Month in year (with leading 0) | 01 |
{dnnn} | Month in year | Jan |
{dnnnn} | Month in year | January |
{dy} | Year (2 digits) | 14 |
{dyy} | Year (4 digits) | 2014 |
{dwm} | Week in month | 4 |
{dw} | Week in year | 40 |
Time Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{dh} | Hour in day (1-12) | 9 |
{dh11} | Hour in day (0-11) | 21 |
{dh24} | Hour in day (1-24) | 9 |
{dh23} | Hour in day (0-23) | 21 |
{dhutc12} | Hour in day UTC (12 hr) | 8 |
{dhutc12z} | Hour in day UTC (12 hr with leading zero) | 08 |
{dhutc24} | Hour in day UTC (24 hr) | 20 |
{dhutc24z} | Hour in day UTC (24 hr with leading zero) | 20 |
{dutcoff} | UTC Offset | +0100 |
{dht} | Hour in day text (1-12) | nine |
{dh24t} | Hour in day text (1-24) | twenty one |
{dhz} | Hour in day (1-12) (with leading zero) | 09 |
{dh11z} | Hour in day (0-11) (with leading zero) | 21 |
{dh24z} | Hour in day (1-24) (with leading zero) | 09 |
{dh23z} | Hour in day (0-23) (with leading zero) | 21 |
{dm} | Minute in hour | 7 |
{dmz} | Minute in hour (with leading zero) | 07 |
{dhtt} | Hour in day (1-12 tens) | 0 |
{dhto} | Hour in day (1-12 ones) | 9 |
{dh11tt} | Hour in day (0-11 tens) | 0 |
{dh11to} | Hour in day (0-11 ones) | 9 |
{dh24tt} | Hour in day (1-24 tens) | 0 |
{dh24to} | Hour in day (1-24 ones) | 9 |
{dh23tt} | Hour in day (0-23 tens) | 0 |
{dh23to} | Hour in day (0-23 ones) | 9 |
{dmt} | Minute in hour (tens) | 3 |
{dmo} | Minute in hour (ones) | 1 |
{dmat} | Minute in hour text (all) | thirty one |
{dmtt} | Minute in hour text (tens) | thirty |
{dmot} | Minute in hour text (ones) | one |
{ds} | Second in minute | 2 |
{dsz} | Second in minute (with leading zero) | 02 |
{dst} | Second in minute (tens) | 2 |
{dso} | Second in minute (ones) | 3 |
{dsat} | Second in minute text (all) | twenty three |
{dstt} | Second in minute text (tens) | twenty |
{dsot} | Second in minute text (ones) | three |
{da} | AM/PM | AM |
{dss} | Milliseconds | 32 |
{dssz} | Milliseconds (with leading zeros) | 032 |
{dsps} | Seconds * 1000 + milliseconds | 1207 |
{depoch} | Seconds since epoch | 1495105593 |
{dz} | Timezone | BST |
{dtp} | Time (% 24 hours) | 0.74 |
{drh} | Rotation value for hour (12h, adj for mins) | 290 |
{drh24} | Rotation value for hour hand (24h, adj for mins) | 145 |
{drh0} | Rotation value for hour hand (12h) | 270 |
{drm} | Rotation value for min hand (adj for secs) | 242 |
{drs} | Rotation value for second hand | 156 |
{drss} | Rotation smooth value for second hand | 156.2 |
{drms} | Rotation value for milliseconds | 193.4 |
Color Switcher Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{ucolor} | Current Color | ff0000 |
Counter Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{c_elapsed} | Seconds elapsed since loaded | 50 |
{c_0_100_2_st} | 0 to 100 in 2s, then stop | 50 |
{c_0_100_2_rp} | 0 to 100 in 2s, then repeat | 50 |
{c_0_100_2_rv} | 0 to 100 in 2s, then reverse | 50 |
{c_0_100_2_rv_2} | As above with 2s start delay | 50 |
Time Zone Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{tz1l} | Time Zone 1 Location | Pacific |
{tz1ll} | Time Zone 1 Location Long | US/Pacific |
{tz1o} | Time Zone 1 UTC Offset | - 7:00 |
{tz1om} | Time Zone 1 UTC Offset Mins | 420 |
{tz1dst} | Time Zone 1 Daylight Savings | true |
{tz1t} | Time Zone 1 Time | 01:26 |
{tz1rh} | Time Zone 1 Rotation hour hand | 42 |
{tz1rh24} | Time Zone 1 Rotation hour hand (24h) | 24 |
{tz1rm} | Time Zone 1 Rotation minute hand | 160 |
{tz2l} | Time Zone 2 Location | London |
{tz2ll} | Time Zone 2 Location Long | Europe/London |
{tz2o} | Time Zone 2 UTC Offset | + 1:00 |
{tz2om} | Time Zone 2 UTC Offset Mins | 60 |
{tz2dst} | Time Zone 2 Daylight Savings | true |
{tz2t} | Time Zone 2 Time | 09:26 |
{tz2rh} | Time Zone 2 Rotation hour hand | 283 |
{tz2rh24} | Time Zone 2 Rotation hour hand (24h) | 141 |
{tz2rm} | Time Zone 2 Rotation minute hand | 160 |
{tz3l} | Time Zone 3 Location | Tokyo |
{tz3ll} | Time Zone 3 Location Long | Asia/Tokyo |
{tz3o} | Time Zone 3 UTC Offset | + 9:00 |
{tz3om} | Time Zone 3 UTC Offset Mins | 540 |
{tz3dst} | Time Zone 3 Daylight Savings | false |
{tz3t} | Time Zone 3 Time | 18:26 |
{tz3rh} | Time Zone 3 Rotation hour hand | 190 |
{tz3rh24} | Time Zone 3 Rotation hour hand (24h) | 95 |
{tz3rm} | Time Zone 3 Rotation minute hand | 160 |
…up to 3 time zone locations can be specified in settings
Battery Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{bl} | Battery level | 71 |
{blp} | Battery level % | 71% |
{br} | Rotation value for Battery level | 250 |
{btc} | Battery temperature (C) | 27 |
{btf} | Battery temperature (F) | 81 |
{btcd} | Battery temperature (C) (percent) | 27°C |
{btfd} | Battery temperature (F) (percent) | 81°F |
{bc} | Battery charging status | Charging |
Phone Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{pbl} | Battery Phone level | 71 |
{pblp} | Battery Phone level % | 71% |
{pbr} | Rotation value for Battery Phone level | 250 |
{pbtc} | Battery Phone temperature (C) | 27 |
{pbtf} | Battery Phone temperature (F) | 81 |
{pbtcd} | Battery Phone temperature (C) (percent) | 27°C |
{pbtfd} | Battery Phone temperature (F) (percent) | 81°F |
{pbc} | Battery Phone charging status | Charging |
{pws} | Phone Wifi Strength % | 0.7 |
{pwc} | Phone Wifi Connected Y/N | Y |
Device Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{aname} | Device name | GT1505 |
{aman} | Device manufacturer | samsung |
{awname} | Watch name | Motorola 360 |
{around} | Is round? | true |
{atyre} | Has flat tyre? | true |
{abright} | Is bright? | true |
{adimlo} | Dim mode supports lo-bit only? | false |
{abss} | Milliseconds since bright (-1 for dim) | 150 |
{alat} | Current latitude | 40.7127 |
{alon} | Current longitude | 74.0059 |
{alatd} | Current latitude (degrees) | 40.7127° |
{alond} | Current longitude (degrees) | 74.0059° |
{alatdd} | Current latitude (degrees + direction) | 40.7127°N |
{alondd} | Current longitude (degrees + direction) | 74.0059°E |
{aalt} | Current altitude | 104.800 |
{aw3w} | what3words address | daring.lion.race |
{aw3w1} | what3words address Word 1 | daring |
{aw3w2} | what3words address Word 1 | lion |
{aw3w3} | what3words address Word 1 | race |
Stopwatch Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{swh} | Stopwatch hours | 0 |
{swm} | Stopwatch minutes | 1 |
{sws} | Stopwatch seconds | 25 |
{swss} | Stopwatch milliseconds (2 digits) | 27 |
{swsss} | Stopwatch milliseconds (3 digits) | 274 |
{swsst} | Stopwatch milliseconds total | 1274 |
{swr} | Stopwatch is running? | true |
{swrm} | Stopwatch minute rotation | 30 |
{swrs} | Stopwatch second rotation | 45 |
{swrss} | Stopwatch millisecond rotation | 47.2 |
Weather Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{wl} | Weather Location | London |
{wt} | Current Temperature | 13 |
{wth} | Today's High | 14 |
{wtl} | Today's Low | 12 |
{wtd} | Current Temperature (degrees) | 13°C |
{wthd} | Today's High (degrees) | 14°C |
{wtld} | Today's Low (degrees) | 12°C |
{wm} | Weather Units | c |
{wct} | Current Condition Text | Rain |
{wci} | Current Condition Icon | 10d |
{wh} | Current Humidity Number | 87 |
{whp} | Current Humidity Percentage | 87% |
{wp} | Atmospheric Pressure | 1003 |
{wws} | Wind Speed (mph) | 6.2 |
{wwd} | Wind Direction (degrees) | 140 |
{wwdb} | Wind Direction (NE) | NE |
{wwdbb} | Wind Direction (NNE) | NNE |
{wcl} | Cloudiness (%) | 0.4 |
{wr} | Rain volume for last 3 hrs (mm) | 30 |
{wsr} | Sunrise time | 08:14 |
{wss} | Sunset time | 17:15 |
{wsrp} | Sunrise time (% 24 hours) | 0.3 |
{wssp} | Sunset time (% 24 hours) | 0.7 |
{wmp} | Moon Phase (1=young, 5=full, 9=old) | 3 |
{wml} | Weather manual location | New York |
{wlu} | Weather last update | 15:08:27 |
{wf0dt} | Forecast Day 0 Temp | 11 |
{wf0dth} | Forecast Day 0 High | 12 |
{wf0dtl} | Forecast Day 0 Low | 5 |
{wf0dct} | Forecast Day 0 Condition Text | Rain |
{wf0dci} | Forecast Day 0 Condition Icon | 10d |
{wf1dt} | Forecast Day 1 Temp | 11 |
{wf1dth} | Forecast Day 1 High | 12 |
{wf1dtl} | Forecast Day 1 Low | 5 |
{wf1dct} | Forecast Day 1 Condition Text | Rain |
{wf1dci} | Forecast Day 1 Condition Icon | 10d |
Weather forecasts are available up to day 5. Fahrenheit can be set in settings.
Calendar Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{cex} | Events Exist? | true |
{c1ex} | Event 1 Exists? | true |
{c1t} | Event 1 Text | Gym |
{c1bd} | Event 1 Begin Date | 01/01/2021 |
{c1b} | Event 1 Begin Time | 19:00 |
{c1br} | Event 1 Begin Rotation (12 hours) | 210 |
{c1bp} | Event 1 Begin % 24 Hours | 0.79 |
{c1ed} | Event 1 End Date | 01/01/2021 |
{c1e} | Event 1 End Time | 20:00 |
{c1er} | Event 1 End Rotation (12 hours) | 240 |
{c1ep} | Event 1 End % 24 Hours | 0.83 |
{c1l} | Event 1 Location | Statue of Liberty |
{c1c} | Event 1 Color | ff0000 |
{c1ad} | Event 1 is All Day? | true |
{c1cal} | Event 1 Calendar | |
{c1i} | Event 1 ID | 520 |
…calendars available for up to 10 unfinished events up to a week ahead (configurable in settings)
Sensor / Health Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{ssc} | Step Count* | 1046 |
{sdst} | Distance* | 1.5 |
{sdstu} | Distance Unit | km |
{scal} | Calories Burned* | 256 |
{stsc} | Daily Step Count Target | 10000 |
{stdst} | Daily Distance Target | 8 |
{stcal} | Daily Calories Target | 350 |
{shr} | Heart Rate | 72 |
{shr_1} | Heart Rate (Previous) | 70 |
{shr_2} | Heart Rate (Previous-2) | 74 |
{sprs} | Barometric Pressure | 0 |
{sax} | Accelerometer X | 0.5 |
{say} | Accelerometer Y | 0.5 |
{saz} | Accelerometer Z | 0.5 |
{sgx} | Gyroscope X | 0.5 |
{sgy} | Gyroscope Y | 0.5 |
{sgz} | Gyroscope Z | 0.5 |
{scr} | Compass for Rotation (needs negative) | -210 |
{sct} | Compass Display (0=N, 90=E, 180=S, 270=W) | 210 |
{sctd} | Compass Display (degrees) | 210° |
{scb} | Compass Bearing (NE) | SW |
{scbb} | Compass Bearing (NNE) | SSW |
{sctdb} | Compass Display (degrees + NE bearing) | 210° SW |
{sctdbb} | Compass Display (degrees + NNE bearing) | 210° SSW |
*It may be necessary to setup the sensors {ssc}, {sdst} and {scal} on the watch. Visit Watchmaker preferences > Complications > Tag Complications.
Complication Tags (AWS 2.0+)
Tag | Description | Example |
{m1text} | Complication 1 Text | e.g. News Text |
{m1title} | Complication 1 Title | e.g. News Title |
{m1value} | Complication 1 Value | e.g. 60, e.g. battery level |
{m1min} | Complication 1 Min | e.g. 0, e.g. battery level |
{m1max} | Complication 1 Max | e.g. 100, e.g. battery level |
{m2text} | Complication 2 Text | e.g. News Text |
{m2title} | Complication 2 Title | e.g. News Title |
{m2value} | Complication 2 Value | e.g. 60, e.g. battery level |
{m2min} | Complication 2 Min | e.g. 0, e.g. battery level |
{m2max} | Complication 2 Max | e.g. 100, e.g. battery level |
{m3text} | Complication 3 Text | e.g. News Text |
{m3title} | Complication 3 Title | e.g. News Title |
{m3value} | Complication 3 Value | e.g. 60, e.g. battery level |
{m3min} | Complication 3 Min | e.g. 0, e.g. battery level |
{m3max} | Complication 3 Max | e.g. 100, e.g. battery level |
Tasker Tags
Tag | Description | Example |
{t…} | Tasker Plugin Variable | Example Value |
Tasker variables must be set up from Tasker “WM Send Variables” Plugin. Specify the Tasker variable name, e.g. %BATT. This will convert to a WatchMaker variable of {tbatt}