Colors can be picked through a color picker or you can enter their hex value directly. Hex values are the Red/Green/Blue values of a color. The hex notation is very common in Webdevelopment.
The color dialog will remember the last 4 used colors.
Please note that no alpha value can be set in the color dialog. Use the opacity property instead.
Hint: Dynamic colors using lua expressions can be set when tapping the color code in the picker. You can als dynamically change colors using shaders.
var_myImageOpacity = -1 var_myImageOpacity2 = 0 var_myImageOpacity1 = 100
Some widgets (image, sprite) support a tint color. That color is added to the image's original colors. This works best for mono-chromatic images and images with alpha transparency (like PNGs). A tint of white (#ffffff) will display the original colors as is. A tint of black (#000000) will display original colors in black.